Monday, March 13, 2017


Truly our life now is different from the life before of our parents and also our ancestors. People before has a simple life that makes them contented of what they have. In sending messages they do it in writing in a piece of and send it to an agency where it delivers the letter. Apparently, it takes weeks or even months before the receiver receives the letter. That is how difficult the life of people before in terms of communication. In research it takes long time to gather all the information. They need to go to the library before they come up with an information including verifying all the data in order for your research to be reliable. The life of people specifically the youth people are now in an advanced technology. All things like printing, encoding and even communicating to other people from far places are now easy to access. These shows the great influence of advanced technology we have today.
It was an exciting and informative beginning of our second semester in Davao Central College, Senior High School. We have our subject called Empowerment Technology (ICT). At first I was afraid of being out of place because I know in myself that I don’t truly know how to use computers. Sir Ace, our teacher in E-tech gave us a pre-test to measure how broad our knowledge in technology. I expected that I will get low score in that pre-test because almost all words in the pre-test is very new to me. It was a frustrating moment for me because of that I was motivated to listen carefully to what our teacher discuss and striving hard to learn about technology. The first actual discussion is the lesson about Information and Communication Technology in the Philippines. I learned that ICT deals with the use of different communication technology such as mobile phones, telephone, internet and more. Indeed, communication technology is highly needed nowadays. At business transactions, office works and all people communicating their love ones from far places. That is how important high technology to people.
In learning activity sheet number three we have our activity which is called “ICT,Me and My Community. We assigned to find a partner to fully understand the importance of ICT. Mr. Ace gave us a task to look into our respective community and look for a business around our community that the main way for their business to operate is through technology. When I started to look around in my community I observed one store that makes me curios of how they can easily sell their products. Some of the products they are selling are perfume, beauty products, whitening cream, make up kit and many more. The products they sell is seemed interesting to people who know their products. Aside from the good results of using their products it is also very convenient to buy at to look for because the store itself has a website that people can look for their interested products. I ask the store seller that how can costumers contact you. He answered, the different ways for costumers to contact us is through our website, land line number, posters, fliers and our common friends. Through this way we can easily promote and sell our products. They often use mobile phones for their business to communicate or promote their products. By this business costumers can easily connect to the other people who need the services. The establishment is don’t have their internet connection because the establishment was newly opened for Senior High School students and also is not yet been upgraded to high technologies. But he says that their boss considered having it in the future because our technology here in the Philippines were highly needed to provide their needs in offices or school. I’ve learned that truly business now in the Philippines needed much the so called advanced technologies for them to have a high productivity in business sector.
In L.A.S #4 the topic is web 2.0 Dynamic Web Pages base on my learning on this web 2.0 is the evolution web 1.0 by adding dynamic web pages the user is able to see a website differently to others. We understand now because of that information, not particular technologies are upgraded/invented but most especially are the web pages. In this line “that is why it is also important to make the best of the internet”. Because in web 1.0 is we can never share, post, comment, copy, and paste to there information that we’ve been searching. In this lesson opens my eye to the wonderful world of technology where we can learn and create interesting things that are useful.

Without special offers or features can make something a boring to do. Nothing interesting thing to do can be the cause of your business to fail. In the web 2.0 there is a key features that shows how web 2.0 works. The key features of web 2.0, first is the “folksonomy” it allows the users to categorize and arrange information using freely chosen keywords, example for this is tagging in Facebook. The second is the “Rich User Experience”, the context of this kind of website is dynamic which means “ changing”. This include the responsiveness of the users opinion that is shared in a specific website and create constant interaction among all the active users of social media. The third is the “User participation”, same in the rich user experience the user can freely participate in the social media activities. The user participation is the owner of the websites is not the only one who is able to put content. The fourth key features of web 2.0 is the “Long Tail” this is a services that offered on demand rather than on a one time purchase. It means that the customer only subscribe in a service like subscribing the data plan with charges. Next is the “Software as a service” the users will only subscribe to a software when only it needed rather than buying purchasing them. It is also said that this feature is cheaper option if you do not allow always need to use a software. The last is the “Mass Participation” the information is diverse and shared through universal web access. The information is from the different people who has their own perspective or opinion in a particular issue or topic that is highly needed in the web 2.0 in order to maintain its social media interactions.

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