Saturday, March 25, 2017


"Statistics mean never having to say you’re certain."
I thought it just the MEAN, MEDIAN and MODE, I thought it was easy and easy to handle but when I encounter this subject, I realize it was not as easy as that. When you solve the problem wrong, the whole solution will be affected. I can relate it in real life situation, when you made a wrong decision it will affect a lot of things in your life. that's why you have to be careful. 

I Love Math, but sometimes I hate it because it make me fell pressure and sometimes I didn't understand the lesson. Statistics & Probability is easy for me because I already encountered it when I was in gr.10 and also it is not difficult to understand. I Thought statistics & probability is hard but I was wrong because it train ourselves and enjoy like we're playing a game.


In this unit, I learned a lot about data organizing, I learned it's importance and different methods to organize data. Data exists everywhere in our life, we use it to count numbers and do many other things, its really helpful to us and no matter what we do with data we need organize it first so statistics is necessary and important. Probability is also an interesting unit. There's one thing I learned at the very first, which said probability is just a kind of estimate, its not always accurate 
but it does show a general trend.

Some students said that math is very hard. Many things to memorize including formula and solution to get answer. These are actually a basic for those students who work hard on it. I admit that understanding mathematics before was difficult because before I don’t have long patience to solve mathematical equations the reason why I always get low scores in my quizzes and exams. Learning statistics and probability changed my perception about how math is important in our daily lives. In buying ingredients in your dish in the market we used to use math in order to know the total amount you need to give to the vendor and the things you’ve bought. We can be able to choose a random sample from a big population.

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