Saturday, March 25, 2017

Reflection (Research in daily life)

"Research is the process of going up alleys to see if they are blind."

 -Marston Bales


I hate doing research paper. I hate the way it implemented in our curriculum. I hate doing it now! Without realizing… the benefits we can get from it. Aside from the results that we can get from the research it gives you hint or idea on how to do it. As a senior high school student, it takes a time for us to catch up the real essence of this “research”. Yes, it might be hard but, then you will benefit all those hardships, sleepless night and many more. Yes, it might be expensive but, it is all worth it after then. When you’re doing research you can truly found the ones who really care and willing to help you. All you need to do is to set yourself that you can do it no matter what. Just believe in yourself and everything will follow. This is helping us to be prepared so don’t hate research just like what I did, love it instead. -ANALIE BEJEC

Honestly I don't like the research subject because for me I think this is the worst subject that I've encountered except math. At first I have no idea about this subject but days/weeks goes on at least I have already a little bit knowledge about research subject. This subject help us how to make a research papers and also guide us what are the proper way to make our research paper not to be rejected. In this subject I already know how to make a research paper but I need more guidance to the expert so that I will make a good and reliable research because this is not only for myself/gradesbut also to the readers who will be the one who read our work.

Some would say what is our topic, where can I find the articles of this topic and is this reliable. These are just some of the reactions of students when encountering research. Indeed, research is hard to do it needs enough time, effort and most especially the patience in doing research. In my own experience, research is truly a lifelong experience because in doing research we can be able to do or discover things which we think important to study. Research is amazing it can change our perceptions, things and even our future. This is how research work in our life.

My own realization on what I have learned in our research is to keep patient, hardworking and to be determined. Yes! If you have all these attitudes your research work would be successful. As one of the member of our group research I have to work on hard and contribute my time on what task given to me. In doing this part of researching and analyzing of our title research is a big help for me because it's gained more knowledges, more advantages and more interests to resolving on it.

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