Saturday, March 25, 2017

Reflection (reading and writing skills)

“You learn to write better than reading. You learn to read better than writing .Reading and writing, work together to improve your ability to think.” 


Reading and writing skills, do we need it? Of course we do. As the world changes, many inventions arises. It includes the technologies that we commonly used today. We used smart phones, laptops, computers and many more in school or in work in order to ease the assigned task that we have. Due to this we tend to forget the essence of writing. Not really the writing itself but what I mean is some students didn’t know how to properly write the context or what are the important things that we need to know in writing just like mechanics and the likes. In reading, many people used to go with the flow or to be in trend. For instance, young people now a day used to use modern English instead of the old one. Another is the old literature are somewhat forgotten because many people are focusing on the technologies they have. This reading and writing skill subject has the chance to remind us, the young people on how to give importance and value it because it can help us in our daily life. 

Reading and writing skills is a fun subject because we use to read stories and talk about it just to understand every detail. After examining every detail in the story we are always given a task to do critique paper of the story. Inside the critique paper it should contain the summary, how the story flow and the lessons brought by the story t the readers. I learned in this subject particularly in writing compositions effectively to convey my ideas to my readers and listeners. I learned so much in this subject because it does not only teach good writing but it taught us on how to classify a text into sub topics. It also enhanced our skills in understanding a text.

Reading and Writing skills is a big help to me because it teach the students how to create letters such as cover letter, resume, memorandum letter, request letter and college application letter. Also teach us how to critique a work of others. RWS subject is a fun subject because its talk about reading and writing .

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