Saturday, March 25, 2017


"Physical Science is like simple addition: it is either infallible or it is false.”
 -Gilbert K. Chedterton


Physical Sciences helps me to understand the past theory or studies just like Heliocentric Theory and the likes. Aside from that it gives further information about the things that are related to this subject. lastly, there are topics that are related to our daily lives such as the Newton's three law of motion, the inertia, acceleration and inter-action. -ANALIE BEJEC

Tell you honestly I hate science since then, because I didn't understand it well and I want to love Physical Science but I can't. Sometimes the lessons are understandable but some also are hard to get. Even though it so hard for me but at least I try my best to understand and I already have some knowledge about this subject and I know it will help us to discover life.\
Physical science had brought many learning to us students in Senior High School. Some of these are the lesson about the origin of our Universe. Asteroids, meteorites, meteors and planets are once one, but our teacher said it was changed because according to the scientists it was due to a big bang that changed the structure of our universe. In this subject we have known many proponents of different discoveries of the science world such as Isaac Newton, Aristotle and Galileo are just few of many contributors to understand natural phenomena.
                                                                 -REY ANGELO PALMERO

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