Saturday, March 25, 2017

VALUES EDUCATION, helping you to set your goals.

"Education without values, as useful as it is, seems rather to make man a more delver devil."

 -C.S. Lewis

"Set your GOAL to live life. "


VALUES EDUCATION this subject help us to be a good person or individual and also teach the students to set their goals in life so that they achieve their goals in life.
                                                                -MARIA FE CASAS

They say people with high intellectual abilities have the higher percentage of having success in their lives. Opportunities of getting a good job are center to those who have high intellectual abilities. But the question is how a genius person would sustain his/her career if he/she doesn’t have moral values within himself/herself. Indeed, no matter how simple-minded or intelligent you are good moral values are the most important a person should have. You cannot enter a company if you have no moral standards and you will not have many friends if you have bad attitudes. This is how important the moral values a person should have.
                                                         -REY ANGELO PALMERO 

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